Wait, So you're a blog person now?

"It's that easy, it is? It didn't take me more than a few minutes to create this blog page. To be honest, I've been thinking about creating one since the beginning of this year."

Well, at least that's what I would have said if I'd made my first post on this blog FOUR YEARS AGO like I was supposed. But I didn't. I barely got 200 words into that first draft before I just left it - fuck me if I remember why. But I'm here now and that's what matters (that's not really true but it's what I'm gonna tell myself). Besides, I had a false sense of importance back when I was fourteen and while I did have a lot to say, I think I have just the right amount to say right now. 

We'll start from the beginning. Hello. My name is Sarah. I'm an eighteen year old girl living in London who thrives on sarcasm and I'm passionate about writing, music, reading and love.  

Actually I'm gonna stop myself right there. I say I'm passionate about all these things but simply don't indulge in any of these activities as much as I know I should. I do love reading, but lucky if I read a book a month now. I do love music and live it too - at least that much is true. I barely spend 24 hours away from my Spotify playlist. But I don't think that's enough for me anymore. That also leads into my supposed 'love' for writing. When was the last time I wrote something longer than 500 hundred word that wasn't a university essay? My naturally grand imagination means I THINK about writing alot but, really?! Anyone can think about doing something - and this brings us back to the purpose of this blog. Apart from getting my creative juices following (a horrible term, by the way) and developing my writing style, I have ambitions of being of being a Music Journalist. Rather naively, I believed music magazines would just throw internships at me because I'm so amazing! Of course not, I have to prove myself as a writer and prove my potential & passion - more to myself than anyone else. So, I can't think of a better time to start than now: 6 whole months until I go back to uni, a brand, spanking-new laptop, The 1975 blasting into my ears and a renewed & genuine passion for writing.

Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, myself. I'm currently a first year undergrad at a London university studying something called 'Classics'. Don't feel bad if you don't know what that is, 9/10 people I tell about it don't either. I'm a little brash, but I know that I am so it's not a problem, right? I also have a push-pull relationship with the music genre of pop-punk, but that's an issue for another blog post. I'm also black. I didn't really know how to work that into my description. I just thought it'd be funny to put it at the end like that, awkwardly.

As for this blog itself, I'm planning to post every Tuesday like this, proving to myself I can stick to some kind of schedule. As the title of the blog would suggest, my posts are really just going to be me thinking out loud onto a page. I suppose I'll mostly talk about music - from reviews to features to talk pieces. However, don't be surprised when I talk about subjects surrounding my life at the time. It's my blog, I can write what I like, right? To be honest, I think that's what I'm gonna like most it. No quota, no brief, no censorship. Just pure, unadulterated me.

So, yeah. I guess I am a blog person now. 
